The Last Straw
by David Chanley
In 1976 Carlo Cipolla a professor of economic history came up with 5 Laws of Human Stupidity. Cipolla's system identified 4 categories of people. The first group he labeled as helpless. The second group he labeled the intelligent. The third group he labeled the bandits. The fourth group he labeled the stupid.
The 5 Laws of Human Stupidity are as follows 1 Everyone underestimates the number of stupid people. There are more stupid people in society than the people believe there are. 2 The probability a person is stupid is not related to any other characteristic. Education, wealth or status are not involved. Stupid people are among every subgroup of people you can categorize. 3 A stupid person causes losses to other people while not getting any gain themselves. That is Cipolla's definition of a stupid person. 4 Not-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid people. Stupid people cause more harm than people believe. Dealing with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake. 5 A stupid person is the most dangerous and even more dangerous than the bandits.
The 5 Laws of Human Stupidity contains 4 factors of human behavior. 1 A person does something that causes his own loss but does not cause others to lose. This is the helpless group. 2 A person benefits themselves and others. This is the intelligent group. 3 A person benefits themselves and causes others to lose. This is the bandit group. 4 A person does not benefit themselves and also causes others to lose. This is the stupid group.
Cipolla claims the bandits scam the helpless. So the helpless do little for society. The helpless can be altruists and pacifists. On moral grounds they are helpless. Intelligent people contribute to society and in return receive some of the benefits that society gains. Bandits are concerned more with their own self-interest and personal gain. The bandits "look out for number one" even if it harms others and society. The bandits should be stopped. Stupid people cause a net loss to society, for no real valid reason. Stupid people frustrate, anger and confuse everyone else.
Cipolla claims stupid people are stupid by nature. Being stupid is not taught and does not come from a lack of education. Cipolla claims stupid people are naturally stupid, and education does not cure stupid. Education and experience can reduce or increase the amount of stupid someone has. Stupid people cause more damage in direct relation to the importance of the position they are given. The greater the position stupid people are placed in the greater damage to society and others they cause. Joe Biden and diversity hires are excellent examples of that.
Stupid is a natural propensity that can be taught to become more or less stupid. Take the left-wing-led Uni-party for example. They cause losses to others so they can feel good about themselves. The left-wing-led Uni-party wants to help. What the left-wing-led Uni-party does to help actually hurts. To help the poor the left-wing led Uni-party does what causes inflation. The inflation the left-wing led Uni-party causes only makes the poor poorer. The inflation the left-wing led Uni-party causes hurts the poor that they were trying to help. The inflation that the left-wing-led Uni-party causes hurts society and everyone except the very wealthy 1%. The left-wing-led Uni-party supporters get no real benefit other than the illusion of being helpful. But what they do hurts society and the 99%. That is Cipolla's definition of stupid.
Stop electing stupid people. If what they do "to help the poor" causes inflation they are stupid. If they don't know what a woman is they are stupid. If you didn't already know that someone who does not know what a woman is, is stupid, then you too are stupid. What you try to do to help others will actually harm them and not help them.
Eventually, the stupid also suffer from the policies they enforce. They usually blame something else for causing the problem. They usually deny that what they did caused the problem. Sometimes they realize how horrible their policies are. Sometimes they realize their policies for approaching utopia don't work in the real world. Then they become less stupid.
Today the 1% are the puppeteers of a Uni-party. Both parties of the two-party system are the Uni-party. Both parties of the two-party system are run and controlled by the same group of globalist oligarchs who pull the strings. Both parties of the two-party system represent and benefit the same group of globalist oligarchs who pull the strings. Both parties of the two-party system screw over the 99% to benefit the 1% and their agenda. Today the left wing is leading the Uni-party for the benefit of the 1%.
Realize that the left-wing-led Uni-party inflation causing ideas to approach utopia does not work in the real world. Realize that the most intelligent bandits are manipulating the stupid so they can gain from the losses of everyone else. The most intelligent bandits tell you the things they caused that made the 99% to lose and the 1% to gain resulted from stupidity and incompetence. Are you stupid if you believe that? The 1% are intentionally manipulating the left-wing led Uni-party to demand what hurts the 99% and only benefits the 1%.
The left-wing-led Uni-party supporters are the stupid. The left-wing-led Uni-party leaders are the more intelligent bandits. The left-wing-led Uni-party leaders are not stupid. The left-wing-led Uni-party leaders only blame the intentional harm they inflict on the 99% as resulting from stupidity. They don't admit they are intentionally robbing the 99%. Blaming the intentional harm they inflict on the 99% on stupidity when they intentionally rob the 99% is just a phony cover-up lie. The followers who fall for that lie are stupid.
Another example of this left-wing-led Uni-party "stupidity" is the weaponization of the legal system. The injustice of the phony charges against Trump and the abusive legal claim against him was seen as the last straw for many of the people who are harmed by the left-wing-led Uni-party policies. That stimulus for the trucker boycott against New York was the last straw. It was not the only straw. It was just the tip of the iceberg.
The left-wing-led Uni-party weaponization of the legal system was very harmful to New York. The left-wing-led Uni-party weaponization of the legal system was the last straw for many people and businesses. Many people and businesses decided to leave New York. Many people and businesses decided to not move to New York. Others decided to sanction New York with a boycott. People need to defend themselves from the stupid. People need to sanction the stupidity. People need to sanction the stupid. The people of New York eventually will be the most harmed by the stupidity of the people of New York. All of the society was harmed by the stupidity of the people of New York.
The trucker boycott of New York is self-defense by the innocent who are harmed by the stupidity of the left-wing-led Uni-party and those who support the left-wing-led Uni-party. The trucker boycott of New York is the innocent demanding that the left-wing-led Uni-party stop harming society and everyone. Abusing Trump with a weaponized legal system was their last straw.
The harmful stupidity of the left-wing led Uni-party amounted to a huge iceberg of harmful stupidity even before the Trump case. The innocent people harmed by the left-wing-led Uni-party stupidity have finally had too much. The trucker boycott of New York is about the entire iceberg of the left-wing-led Uni-party stupidity.
The iceberg of the left-wing-led Uni-party stupidity includes all the harm to society and the American people. Both sides of the left-wing-led Uni-party have been doing stupidity to harm the 99% for the benefit of the agenda of the 1%. Both sides of the left-wing-led Uni-party have been stupid. The supporters of the left-wing-led Uni-party have been stupid.
The left-wing-led Uni-party created Covid with unsupervised tax dollars, for the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs. The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs used Covid as an excuse to abuse, oppress and claim more control over the 99%. The support of the control by the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs harmed the 99%. 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs are criminal bandits. The people who support the left-wing-led Uni-party are stupid and caused harm to others while gaining no benefit themselves.
The mandated Covid protocols were very harmful. The mandated restrictions to freedom were unnecessary, not beneficial and were based on lies. Now the WHO treaty is set up to screw us again only harder next time. Agenda 2030 and 15-minute cities will oppress, enslave and imprison us even more. Anyone supporting the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs' controlled left-wing-led Uni-party that is doing this to us is stupid.
The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs controls the left-wing-led Uni-party. They are flooding the country with illegal aliens and rewarding them with the benefits that are denied to the workers who earned them. The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs controlled by the left-wing-led Uni-party is bombing and conducting wars against many countries based on lies. The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs left wing led Uni-party is greatly financially fleecing the people of the world. The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs controlled by the left-wing-led Uni-party is unnecessarily harming others and causing them to be refugees. The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs are pocketing tax money in the name of "defense" spending.
The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs controlled by the left-wing-led Uni-party is demanding that two wrongs make a right. They destroy places causing refugees. Then they invite the flood of refugees to destroy America and Europe too. That is being doubly stupid. Not being stupid is the solution. Stop the wars. Stop the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs from exploiting people into extreme poverty. Stop making the refugees in the first place.
The two wrongs don't make a right. The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs just pile another wrong on top of the two wrongs. Corrupt money laundering called foreign aid robs more tax money into the pockets of the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs. The left-wing-led Uni-party supports this wrong. The people who support the left-wing-led Uni-party that is doing these things to society are stupid.
The left-wing-led Uni-party pushes for centralized education. That imposes an immoral curriculum on everyone. That dumbs down everyone. That does not provide the mental tools people need to be successful. That only helps the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs exploit and control the masses. That harms the 99% without providing them any benefit. Supporting the left-wing-led Uni-party pushing centralized education is stupid.
The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs abuses the 99% with their weaponized control of food. The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs control of food allows them to extract more money from the 99% when the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs sells food to the 99%. The left-wing-led Uni-party complicity in the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs control of food harms the 99%. Supporting the left-wing-led Uni-part is stupid.
The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs abuses the 99% with their weaponized control of energy. The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs control of energy allows them to extract more money from the 99% when the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs sells energy to the 99%. Higher energy costs makes everything more expensive. Everything being more expensive causes the 99% to get less. The left-wing-led Uni-party complicity with the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs’ control of energy harms the 99%. Supporting the left-wing-led Uni-part is stupid.
The masses fell for the lies of the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs. The Earth is honestly cooling, not warming. Because of lies the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs abuses the 99% with their weaponized control of food and energy. The left-wing-led Uni-party complicity in the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs’ control of food and energy harms the 99%. Supporting the left-wing-led Uni-party is stupid.
The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs abuses the 99% with their weaponized control of medicine. The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs control of medicine allows them to extract more money from the 99% when the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs sells medicine to the 99%. The left-wing led Uni-party complicity in the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs’ control of medicine harms the 99%. Supporting the left-wing-led Uni-part is stupid.
The impoverishing taxes imposed on the masses cause more poverty. Inflation from wasteful government spending causes more poverty. This government excess takes the wealth from the 99% and transfers it to the 1%. The left-wing-led Uni-party complicity in this wealth transfer harms the 99%. Supporting the left-wing-led Uni-part is stupid.
Reverse discrimination as a solution for discrimination was another straw of harmful stupidity that was piled on the camel's back. The victim mentality was another straw of harmful stupidity that was piled on the camel's back. Toxic feminism that destroyed the family was another straw of harmful stupidity that was piled on the camel's back. Race-baiting was another straw of harmful stupidity that was piled on the camel's back.
The destructive "mostly peaceful" riots that destroyed black neighborhoods and businesses was another straw of harmful stupidity that was piled on the camel's back. These destructive "mostly peaceful" riots had pallet loads of bricks delivered to them. These destructive "mostly peaceful" riots took place in designated "FED districts". These destructive "mostly peaceful" riots allowed the puppeteers who pulled the strings to cause the riots to be able to buy up the land they wanted very inexpensively.
These destructive "mostly peaceful" riots were orchestrated by the 1% and were land grabs by the 1%. These destructive "mostly peaceful" riots in FED district land grabs were another straw of harmful stupidity that was piled on the camel's back. The "mostly peaceful" riot protests destroyed those they claimed to be trying to help. Such destruction as a form of "help" is an extreme example of the definition of stupid.
Not all land grabs by the 1% involved destructive "mostly peaceful" riots. Some land grabs by the 1% used wildfires that destroyed buildings more than trees. Some like Lahaina and places in California that were designated and mapped out for public works projects were actually criminal land grabs by the 1%.
Left-wing-led Uni-party policies destroy society and hurt everyone. The terrible results of the left-wing-led Uni-party policies turn vibrant prosperous cities into impoverished slums.
How can the left-wing-led Uni-party supporters keep denying what a total disaster the left-wing-led Uni-party policies produce? Just look at the left-wing-led Uni-party-run cities. They are impoverished slums that once were very successful thriving cities. First Baltimore went from wealthy and thriving to slums of poverty after switching from pragmatic management that worked in the real world to left-wing-led Uni-party utopia-minded government that was a total disaster in the real world. Left-wing-led Uni-party policies destroy society and hurt everyone. The terrible results of left-wing-led Uni-party policies turn vibrant prosperous cities into impoverished slums.
Then Detroit went from being wealthy and thriving to slums of poverty after switching from pragmatic management that worked in the real world to a left-wing-led Uni-party utopia-minded government that was a total disaster in the real world. Now New York, San Francisco, and Seattle have gone from wealthy and thriving to slums of poverty after switching from pragmatic management that worked in the real world to left-wing-led Uni-party utopia-minded government that is a total disaster in the real world.
Healthy clean thriving vibrant cities are being destroyed by left-wing-led Uni-party utopia-minded ideologies and totally disastrous policies that literally cause poverty. Entire states are also going from being very successful and thriving states to being cesspools of disaster by the left-wing-led Uni-party utopia-minded ideologies that cause disaster in the real world.
Left-wing-led Uni-party ideologies also ruin entire countries. Venezuela and Argentina were once thriving successful affluent prosperous countries. Then the utopia-minded disastrous left-wing led Uni-party ideologies took over and turned tremendously successful and prosperous countries into impoverished hellholes.
The cabal of globalist oligarchs has fooled their followers into desiring the utopia of the ideology that destroys societies and people. That benefits the globalist oligarchs. That removes prosperity from the masses so the globalist oligarchs can have it. The globalist oligarch Uni-party puppet politician then push for all the enslaving and impoverishing policies on the masses who fell for the idea of utopia rather than the real world.
The migrant invasion is destroying cities and the country. Lavish benefits are given to illegals and denied to those who earned them. That is just more abuse of the 99% by the left-wing-run Uni-party. The tremendous amount of money being sent to foreign countries could greatly help Americans, and improve America. This wasteful harm suits the agenda of the cabal of globalist oligarchs. This wasteful harm is part of the platform of the left-wing-led Uni-party.
Why would any American support such harm to themselves, their society and their fellow Americans? Why would any American tolerate such harm to themselves, their society and their fellow Americans? For many, this was their last straw. They can not tolerate the load of disastrous straws the left-wing-led Uni-party has burdened them with. Why not have those supporting the disastrous policies that are causing the suffering to also suffer and stop denying the suffering they are helping to cause? The working class is greatly harmed and needs to speak up.
Americans did not revolt against all these harmful left-wing-led Uni-party disastrous things that were forced on society. It took a lot to get people to no longer tolerate all these harmful things they were forced to endure. The Covid mandates of bad protocols not based on science were the last straw for Canadian truckers. For farmers destroying their farms, businesses and families that was the last straw for them. The weaponized unjust legal system was the last straw for American truckers and others.
The farmers have had enough. The stupidity of the left-wing-led Uni-party followers is based on lies. That is causing them much more harm than anyone should have to suffer. The stupidity of the Left-wing-led Uni-party followers is causing everyone but the 1% to suffer more poverty. The stupidity of the Left-wing-led Uni-party followers is causing death by starvation. This harm is all based on lies so the 1% can have another power and money grab. The farmers are revolting against this war on humanity. Will the 99% of humanity quit being so stupid?
The totally corrupt and weaponized USA legal system was the last straw for many including truckers. The totally corrupt and weaponized USA legal system covers up and ignores the serious crimes committed by those within the left-wing-led Uni-party. The totally corrupt and weaponized USA legal system invents phony charges against and abuses those opposed to the left-wing-led Uni-party's destruction of society.
This is not just a trucker's strike against New York. This is an everyone revolt against all the globalist oligarch corruption scams and abuse of the masses. This is not just a trucker's strike against New York but an everyone revolt against the left-wing-led Uni-party that the globalist oligarchs control. This should not be just a trucker's strike against New York. This should be an everyone revolt against all the harmful and destructive stupid policies of the left-wing-led Uni-party everywhere. This should be an everyone revolt against the cabal of globalist oligarchs who pull the strings causing all these harmful things to the 99%.
If the left-wing-led Uni-party is going to keep harming everyone else with their terrible BS, then others are going to make sure it harms those who are supporting that at the same time. Those supporting the harm must feel the harm in time to stop the harm before it does too much damage. Those supporting all the harm need to stop harming themselves and everyone else. Those supporting all the harm to the 99% that only benefits the 1% need to stop harming themselves and everyone else.
No matter how altruistic people feel everyone else can't avoid and deny the fact the left-wing-led Uni-party is the cause of poverty and much injustice. The policies that arise from the attitudes of the left-wing-led Uni-party followers are just pure disasters for society. Humanity can no longer tolerate such disastrous stupidity. The followers of the left-wing-led Uni-party are not just dupes who are falling for the con of the globalist oligarchs to exploit the 99%. They are stooges who refuse to recognize the disasters they have left behind everywhere they go.
The rest of society has had enough of the social disasters and downright criminal behavior of the left-wing-led Uni-party. The rest of society has had enough of the lies used to justify the harmful and disastrous ends. The criminal means of the left-wing-led Uni-party are "justified" so they can force their disastrous ideas of utopia on the real world. Those causing others and society to suffer need to experience the suffering they are causing. Those causing others and society to suffer need to immediately experience the suffering they are causing so they can realize they too need to help stop the suffering. Those causing others and society to suffer need to immediately experience the suffering they are causing so they can realize they too need to stop the "utopia" policies that result in disaster and suffering in the real world. Those causing others and society to suffer need to immediately experience the suffering they are causing so they can realize the "utopia" policies that result in disaster and suffering in the real world are based on lies.
It is about time that the left-wing-led Uni-party supporters who are inflicting disasters on others suffer the disasters they are inflicting on the world at the same time others are suffering from them. The left-wing-led Uni-party total BS is now destroying the USA. Thank God some sanity is fighting back to save itself and not letting the left-wing-led Uni-party destroy themselves by destroying their neighbors and fellow man first. Thank God some are not accepting their own destruction by left-wing-led Uni-party BS and are making the left-wing-led Uni-party followers be the first, not the last to suffer from their own BS.
Everything the left-wing-led Uni-party is pushing is disastrous for the 99% and only benefits the 1%. But the left-wing-led Uni-party followers think the disastrous bs will make the Earth and society a utopia. However, the real world results always are a dystopia of poverty, tyranny and oppression. The left-wing-led Uni-party wars, economic ideology and economic systems produce the refugees. Today the left-wing-led Uni-party is making Americans refugees in their own country.
Society has been weaponized against the masses and against the opposition to the globalist oligarch cabal's tyranny. The trucker boycott of New York City was just the last straw. The trucker boycott of New York City resulted from all the horrible disastrous straws that have been piled on our backs. The trucker boycott of New York City resulted from the entire load of horrible disastrous straws that have been piled on our backs. The totally corrupt and unjust justice system was just the last straw.
Blaming the last straw and ignoring the entire load will not solve the problems. Left-wing-run places will keep going the way of left-wing-run places. Left-wing-run places will keep going to Hell. Even left-wing-run places without a boycott are going to Hell because of the left-wing-run Uni-party policies. New York screwed itself long before the boycott. The boycott of New York is to keep the crap that is destroying New York from infecting and ruining the entire country.
The last straw has already broken the back of the tolerance camel for many people. The more disaster you tolerate the more disaster straws will be piled on the camel's back. Haven't you already had enough? Haven't you already had too much? Shouldn't you want to stop the disasters and suffering? Shouldn't you be an active part of the revolt against the globalist oligarchs and the Uni-party they control that works for them not for you and not for We The People?
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