The Most Important Election Ever
by David Chanley
Every election there have been people claiming that the upcoming election was the most important election ever. They based their opinion on their perceived importance of the issues of the day. Each election revolved around the issues of the day. Relative to the issues of the day each election was the most important because it concerned itself with the issues of the day. For an election to really be the most important election ever it must transcend the issues of the day.
Many people still do not realize that politics and the management of society and the happenings of society have been a type of puppet theater. The elected politicians have been political puppets. There are puppeteers behind the scenes who pull the political strings. From behind the scenes of the political theater the puppet masters pull the political strings. From behind the scenes of the political theater the puppet masters manipulate the puppet politicians that they control. From behind the scenes of the political theater the puppet masters make their plans become everyone's reality.
The puppet masters manipulate more than the political puppets. The puppet masters do more than write their plans which are the scripts of their political puppet theater. The puppet masters plan and manipulate all aspects of our society. The puppet masters manipulate the laws and judicial system. The puppet masters manipulate the creation of laws that sanctify their rackets which would be called criminal activities under other circumstances. The puppet masters manipulate lawfare against their opposition and against their competition.
The puppet masters manipulate the media and public opinion to make their rackets that would be called criminal activities under other circumstances seem acceptable. The puppet masters manipulate the media and public opinion to make all the puppet politicians they control appear to be the best choice. The puppet masters manipulate the media and public opinion to make all aspects of their agenda seem acceptable.
The puppet masters own, control and manipulate the banking system. The puppet masters have manipulated their private ownership of the banking system so the banking system systematically transfers the wealth of the masses to the puppet masters. The puppet masters have created financial structures to hold various financial things for them. A result of the banking system is the puppet masters siphon wealth to themselves from everything they can siphon wealth from. A result of the banking system is the puppet masters get wealthier just because time passes without having to do anything for the wealth they get. A result of the banking system is the masses get poorer just because time passes even though the masses do all the work and create all the wealth.
The puppet masters manipulate the financial markets. They play both ends against the middle and stack the deck to give advantages to themselves as middlemen who maximize their extraction from both the producers and the consumers. The puppet masters as owners and operators of the financial markets engage in insider trading. The puppet masters know how they will manipulate the markets so their futures bets are guaranteed to win every time. If a strange anomaly happens and their bet loses they just nullify that trade because of the anomaly, like they did after the flash crash that their computer trading caused.
The puppet masters take control over all aspects of our society that we let them take control over. By centralizing the control of things we let the string pullers gain control over what we let them put under centralized control. Education, health, welfare and many other aspects of our society have been taken over by the puppet masters. The puppet masters took control of all these things because we allowed them to place those things under their centralized control. The puppet masters manipulate everything they control to suit themselves and their agenda. The puppet masters manipulate everything they control to exploit, oppress, and control the masses.
All past elections were concerned with the masses fighting over how the puppet masters should handle the various issues of the day. Actually the past fights were over the rhetoric about what the puppet masters would tell the public. How the puppet masters would handle the issue would not be changed by public opinion. The puppet maters would give the public the illusion that their opinion mattered. The political strings would still be pulled by the puppet masters to suit the puppet masters and their agenda.
Past elections all have been about how the puppet masters should handle the particular issues of the day. If the puppet masters did not really care about that issue then the public got what the public wanted. If the issue was involved with the puppet masters and their agenda then the public got what the puppet masters wanted. All past elections have been about the people asking the puppet masters to write their ideas into the scripts of the puppet masters' puppet theater.
Until now there has not been an election with one choice being to bring the puppet masters to justice. Until now there has not been an election with one choice being to cut the political puppet strings. Until now there has not been an election with one choice being to replace the political puppets controlled by the puppet masters with honest representatives of the people. Until now there has not been an election with one choice being to stop the puppet masters from controlling the government. Until now there has not been an election with one choice being to stop the puppet masters from writing the puppet theater scripts that would play out in their puppet theater. Until now there has not been an election with one choice being to stop the puppet masters from controlling all aspects of society and manipulating everything to their favor.
This election happening now actually has on the ballot the option to start eliminating the control of the puppet masters. This election happening now actually has on the ballot to start bringing the puppet master to justice. The Uni-party Republicans and Democrats are the puppet politicians that are "owned" and controlled by the puppet masters. The MAGA candidates are the real opposition to the puppet masters. That is why everything the puppet masters control is opposed to MAGA and the MAGA candidates.
If you don't want a master to control you and the society then supporting MAGA is the first step in freeing yourself and society from the control of the puppet masters. To free society from the controlling puppet masters elect as many MAGA candidates as possible. Drain the swamp. When the swamp is drained the rest of our society can get cleaned up.
Now we have the choice to have a future where there are no puppet masters controlling us. Now we have the choice to not have any puppet masters exploiting us. Now we have the choice to stop the systems from systematically abusing us. Now we have the choice to stop the systems from systematically exploiting us. Now we have the choice to have society work for everyone not just for the puppet masters. Now we have the choice to overthrow the puppet masters.
The puppet masters are not going to give up. If they are brought to justice they will lose their megalomaniacal control. If they are brought to justice they will lose their financial systems that make the rich richer and the poor poorer. If they are brought to justice they will lose their status in society. If they are brought to justice many of them will go to jail for their crimes as society no longer looks the other way. If they are brought to justice many of them will be put to death for their capital crimes as society no longer looks the other way.
The puppet masters are fighting for their lives not just for their criminal rackets. The puppet masters are fighting with everything they have. The ability to take money from the public is one thing the puppet masters still have. So the puppet masters via their political puppet theater are taking money from the masses and using that money to fund their unconventional war against the masses. That is why what the puppet masters want gets tremendous funding. That is why what the puppet masters do not want gets little to no funding.
The puppet masters are doing everything they can to fool the public and have the puppet masters' political puppets win the upcoming election. The puppet masters are doing all the election fraud they can so the puppet masters' political puppets will win the upcoming election. To the puppet masters, it really is a battle of life or death. If the puppet masters win they get life and prosperity and the masses get death and slavery. If MAGA wins the puppet masters get brought to justice and the masses get prosperity and freedom like they never have had before.
The upcoming election is a big battle. If the puppet masters win existence is pretty much over for the masses. The depopulation and enslavement agenda of the puppet masters will be carried out. If MAGA wins the masses win. If MAGA wins the puppet masters will not give up. If MAGA wins the puppet masters will keep fighting for their lives. If MAGA wins the puppet masters will keep fighting for their megalomaniacal control and for their economic scams. If MAGA wins the fight for the masses to clean up and take control of their society seriously gets underway.
The puppet masters should they lose the legitimate battle in the upcoming election will continue fighting outside of the system. They will use fooled followers and cause riots that they fund. What the puppet masters control will start a "civil" gorilla war against the masses It will be everything except civil. The fewer fooled followers the puppet masters have the less disruption this post-election "civil" gorilla war will be able to cause.
The puppet masters will keep fighting trying to prevent themselves from being brought to justice. The puppet masters will activate the sleeper cells of illegal alien armies that they have imported. The puppet masters will fund and orchestrate riots. The puppet masters will use all the proxies they have available to strike out like a trapped and wounded wild animal. They will not go quietly into their goodnight. The puppet masters will crash the banking system and economy. The puppet masters will resort to terrorism. The puppet masters will cause the most social disruption they can.
It is the job of the good citizens to minimize the ability of the puppet masters to cause social disruptions. It is the job of the good citizens to minimize the number of fooled followers the puppet masters have. It is important for the masses to have the greatest win in the upcoming election. It is important for the masses to sway as many as possible away from being the fooled followers of the puppet masters. It is important for the masses to sway as many as possible toward supporting MAGA and the masses against the puppet masters. It is important for the masses to sway as many as possible toward supporting MAGA and the masses to take control away from the puppet masters and return the control of society to the people.
The more of the fooled followers of the puppet masters that can be swayed to supporting MAGA and the people the less disruption our society will suffer. The more of the fooled followers of the puppet masters that can be swayed to supporting MAGA and the people the more tolerable the coming hard times will be. The more of the fooled followers of the puppet masters that can be swayed to supporting MAGA and the people the faster the coming hard times will pass. The more of the fooled followers of the puppet masters that can be swayed to supporting MAGA and the people the sooner all humanity will enjoy the peace and prosperity that the puppet masters have been preventing the masses from having.
Push back against everything that does not serve the 99%. Push back against everything that serves the agenda of the puppet masters. Push back against centralized control. Push back against centralized health care. Push back against centralized education. Push back against centralized disaster relief. Stop accepting injustice. Stop accepting hypocrisy. Stop accepting censorship. Stop complying with centralized authoritarianism.
Being passive is not helping yourself or humanity become free of the exploitation, increased poverty and abuse that the 99% is suffering at the hands of the puppet masters. Now is the time to actively fight for our freedom and prosperity. Now is the time to get the fooled followers of the puppet masters to join the side of humanity. The more people humanity gets to join humanity's side the less suffering humanity will suffer during the transition while the puppet masters are being brought to justice.
This really is the most important election ever. For humanity's sake, MAGA must win. For humanity's sake, MAGA must win big. Make MAGA's win too big to rig. Let's start taking the control of our society away from the puppet masters. Ask everyone to fight against the puppet masters to minimize the suffering during the transition while the puppet masters are being brought to justice. Ask everyone to fight against the puppet masters so humanity can enjoy world peace and prosperity with liberty and justice for all.
The Political Chickenhawks use us as their disposable trash. Pawns for their wishes
You HAVE bought the koolaid, haven't You? David, the play is scripted to get Us to think one actor (who serves the "puppet masters" as You call Them (I call Them the psychopaths in control)) is the "underdog," the "beset hero," "The Savior." They have cast Their sandy hooks into Your emotions and dragged You where They want You - playing Their "election" game.
I don't know what Their plans are for who They will appoint as CEO of Their corporation, USA Inc., but They're sure making it look like Trump will be "taken out" if He "wins."
Believe Me... If He was any actual threat to the psychopaths in control, We would NEVER hear of Him in Their media.